Training and work experience at Rumbletums

Training at Rumbletums is based primarily in our café where trainees undertake a range of duties suitable to their abilities. We offer a high level of supervision to ensure that everyone who trains at Rumbletums is fully supported and we aim to build on each person’s needs and abilities.
We offer training in the following areas:
Front of House: taking orders, preparing and serving drinks, serving cakes, snacks and hot meals. Clearing tables and ensuring the café is in good order.
Kitchen: preparing and cooking food items, washing, drying, and helping keep the kitchen clean; and a range of other related activities, such as laundry and shopping.
In addition, trainees learn a range of basic office skills and get involved in the general cleaning and ‘housekeeping’ of the whole building such as setting up/clearing up the rooms for events or meetings. Some of our trainees also help at our toddler group, RumbletumsTots, or work in our allotment. We are always looking at new things that trainees can do to gain additional skills. For example, we have made items for sale at Christmas including Christmas cards and Tea towels designed by Trainees.
These activities enable our trainees to develop specific and transferable vocational skills associated with catering and hospitality as well as more general employability skills; enhanced communication and life skills; and greater confidence and self-esteem. All our trainees leave Rumbletums with additional skills and knowledge. Some trainees have gone on to find paid employment or to access further work experience and training.
To further support the wellbeing of young people with learning disabilities and their families, we provide a range of social and community events. We have a social group, which includes trainees, that arranges regular social events for young disabled people, their families and friends, such as open mike, quiz and fancy-dress nights.
The young people can get a different kind of social experience by working in our allotment, which we have through an on-going partnership with Kimberley School. This provides experience of working outdoors in a horticultural environment, with the aim of growing produce for use by the café.
If you are interested in finding out more about Training at Rumbletums, please contact us to discuss your needs and arrange an appointment.