Rumbletums August School Uniform Sale

In the middle of the summer holidays Rumbletums ran it's second school uniform sale. Every school in the area had been contacted with a request to inform parents that donations were being accepted. We were blown away by the public's generosity as pre-loved uniform began to be dropped off at Rumbletums. An event like this can only succeed if the local community gets behind it, which they did by the bag load! Once the clothes had been separated into different piles for different schools, we were ready to open our doors on Friday 12th and Saturday 13th August. Although we were raising funds for Rumbletums, our main aim was to support local families with what can be an enormous cost every year to kit out growing children for school. To that end we charged 50p per item, apart from secondary school blazers and skirts (with the Kimberley School badge),for which we charged £2.50. Secondary school PE tops for £1 also in demand. The day got off to a busy start as the early birds bagged a bargain. One local mum with several children across primary and secondary got blazers, shirts, polo tops and jumpers for her tribe, all for under £10! There is something very satisfying in rummaging and finding the right size uniform, and then only paying 50p.
Rumbletums school uniform will be back next Easter. We hope to catch the new school entrants with loads of great quality uniform for teeny people. We also hope to collect and re-sell lots of uniform for kids who have shot up in the short space of time between the summer and Easter. In the meantime can we ask you to put aside any clean, outgrown uniform for our next sale. We will let you know via social media when we are able to start accepting donations. Thank you!
By the way, in case your wondering what the difference between girls and boys uniform is, here's our handy guideline.
Blazers: Girls blazers are more fitted with a seam between the badge pocket and the lower pocket, as well as a more fitted seam at the back. Boys blazers have a boxier fit and may have a double flap.
PE tops: At The Kimberley School boys PE tops have a buttoned collar while the girls have a simple V-neck opening.
Shirts: Simples - Girls shirts button from the left while boys button from the right. Don't ask me why!
See you at our next pre-loved school uniform sale!
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- Rumbletums August School Uniform Sale